If you’re feeling financially frozen, there’s hope. If you feel like you can’t get ahead, or you’re frustrated because you never seem to have enough money, you can move from financial struggle to stability.
The key to a better future is a fresh perspective on your finances. This book will help you melt away debt and learn to do more with the money you have right now. You’ll learn how to develop a spending plan that works, and how to use that plan to achieve your financial goals.
You don’t have to feel stuck. Start moving ahead - financial success is within your reach.
Financially Frozen: Melt Away Debt and Get a Fresh Start with Your Finances is a financial literacy program developed by the American Center for Credit Education.
The goals of Financially Frozen are:
To provide you with information about goals, budgeting, credit and debt so you can gain confidence and make wise financial decisions
To educate you about different types of contracts and the importance of fully understanding a contract before you sign it
To provide you with information on how to protect yourself and your finances from scams and identity theft

Through Financially Frozen, you will learn about:
Setting financial goals that fit your lifestyle and values
Creating useful, practical budgets that can help you do more of the things you want with your money
Financial tools that will help you manage your money effectively
Understanding your credit report and credit score, and how using credit carefully will affect your life
The importance of reading and understanding contracts before you sign them
Scammers' tactics, ways you can protect yourself, and laws that can help you
The steps to take if you find yourself in financial difficulty
Applying the financial information in Financially Frozen: Melt Away Debt and Get A Fresh Start With Your Finances will help you spend and save money, and use credit wisely, so that you can live the life you want. You can get out of debt and have a brighter future.